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HCI International News, Number 85, September 2017

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HCII 2017: Thank you for your participation

We would like to thank all participants of the HCII 2017 Conference, held 9-14 July 2017 in Vancouver, Canada, which was held under the auspices of 15 distinguished international boards of 377 members from 42 countries.

More than 1.800 people from 64 countries registered to participate in HCII 2017, a truly international in scope event, where the work of the world’s foremost leaders in the field was presented. In 231 sessions, 1,228 papers were presented and 180 posters were included in the Conference Proceedings.

Ben Shneiderman, Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Founding Director (1983-2000) of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, and Member of the UM Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) at the University of Maryland, USA, was the keynote speaker at the opening plenary session. Furthermore, favorably responding to the conference invitation, he offered two Mentoring Sessions for small groups of PhD students.

Pictures from the Conference are available through:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HCI-International-News-and-Conferences-151661138193927/
Conference website: http://2017.hci.international/photos

We look forward to also seeing you all in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA for HCII 2018, 15-20 July 2018.

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HCII 2017: Best Papers/Poster Awards

During the opening plenary session, fifteen awards, in the form of a plaque and a certificate, were given to the best papers in each Thematic Area / Affiliated Conference. The Best Poster also received an award and a certificate. For more information, please visit the conference website at: http://2017.hci.international/awards

HCII 2017 Best Poster - Neurophysiological Indices of Human Social Interactions between Humans and Robots
Stephanie J. Smith, Bradly T. Stone, Thavidu Ranatunga, Kyle Nel, Thomas Z. Ramsoy, and Chris Berka

HCI Thematic Area - “Human Chef” to “Computer Chef”: Culinary Interactions Framework for Understanding HCI in the Food Industry
So Yeon Park, Sohyeong Kim, and Larry Leifer

HIMI Thematic Area - The Vibropixels: a Scalable Wireless Tactile Display System
Ian Hattwick, Ivan Franco, and Marcelo M. Wanderley

EPCE 2017 - Cognitive considerations in auditory user interfaces: Neuroergonomic evaluation of synthetic speech comprehension
Adrian Curtin, and Hasan Ayaz

UAHCI2017 - FittsFace: Exploring Navigation and Selection Methods for Facial Tracking
Justin Cuaresma and I. Scott MacKenzie

VAMR 2017 - Dispelling the Gorilla Arm Syndrome: The Viability of Prolonged Gesture Interactions
Jeffrey T. Hansberger, Chao Peng, Shannon L. Mathis, Vaidyanath Areyur Shanthakumar, Sarah C. Meacham, Lizhou Cao, and Victoria R. Blakely

CCD 2017 - Teaching Older Adults to Use Gerontechnology Applications through Instruction Videos: Human-Element Considerations
Pei-Lee Teh, Chee Wei Phang, Pervaiz K. Ahmed, Soon-Nyean Cheong, Wen-Jiun Yap, Qi Ma and Alan H.S. Chan

SCSM 2017 - Intent Classification of Social Media Texts with Machine Learning for Customer Service Improvement
Sebastian Perez-Vera, Rodrigo Alfaro and Hector Allende-Cid

AC 2017 - Neural Dynamics of Spontaneous Thought: An Electroencephalographic Study
Manesh Girn, Caitlin Mills, Eric Laycock, Melissa Ellamil, Lawrence Ward and Kalina Christoff

DHM 2017 - Watch out! User-centered Feedback Design for a V2X-Smartphone App
Teresa Schmidt, Ralf Philipsen, Dzenan Dzafic and Martina Ziefle

DUXU 2017 - Four Biases in Interface Design Interactions
Alamir Novin and Eric M. Meyers

DAPI 2017 - A Smart City Application for Sharing Up-to-date Road Surface Conditions Detected from Crowdsourced Data
Kenro Aihara, Piao Bin, Hajime Imura, Atsuhiro Takasu, and Yuzuru Tanaka

HAS 2017 - When Eye-tracking Meets Cognitive Modeling: Applications to Cyber Security Systems
Haiyue Yuan, Shujun Li, Patrice Rusconi and Nouf Aljaffan

HCIBGO 2017 - Consumers’ Trust in Price-Forecasting Recommendation Agents
Eran Rubin, Young Anna Argyris, and Izak Benbasat

LCT 2017 - Mixing and Matching Learning Design and Learning Analytics
Quan Nguyen, Bart Rienties and Lisette Toetenel

ITAP 2017 - Sensor-Driven Detection of Social Isolation in Community-Dwelling Elderly
Nadee Goonawardene, XiaoPing Toh, and Hwee-Pink Tan

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HCII 2017: Conference Proceedings

The 30-volume Conference Proceedings have been published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) and Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, and are available on-line through the SpringerLink Digital Library, readily accessible by all subscribing libraries around the world.

For every Springer book you will be able to find the Book Metrics, e.g., numbers of citations, downloads, book reviews, etc. For the list of the 30 Volumes, please visit the Conference website:

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HCII 2018: Mark the dates in your calendar

HCI International 2018, jointly with the affiliated Conferences, held under one management and one registration, will take place at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV, USA, 15-20 July 2018.

HCII2018 invite you to participate and contribute to the international forum for the dissemination and exchange of up-to-date scientific information on theoretical, generic and applied areas of HCI, through the following modes of communication: Plenary / Keynote Presentation, Parallel Sessions, Poster Sessions, Tutorials and Exhibition. The Conference will start with three days of Tutorials (15-17 July). Parallel Sessions, Poster Sessions and the Exhibition will be held during the last three days (18-20 July) of the Conference.

HCII 2018 will be held under the auspices of 14 distinguished international boards. Please visit the Conference website (http://2018.hci.international/) for the list of topics of each Thematic Area / Affiliated Conference

Please mark in your calendar the dates of the HCII 2018 Conference and the deadlines for submissions (http://2018.hci.international/submissions):

  • 13 October 2017, paper proposals (an abstract of 800 words is required)
  • 13 October 2017, tutorial proposals (an abstract of 300 words is required)
  • 2 February 2018, poster proposals (an abstract of 300 words is required)

The best paper of each of the HCII 2018 Thematic Areas / Affiliated Conferences will be presented with an award. The best poster extended abstract will also receive an award (http://2018.hci.international/awards).

The Conference Proceedings will be published by Springer in a multi-volume set. Papers will appear in volumes of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. Poster Extended Abstracts will be published in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.

The HCII2018 Program for Student Volunteers gives full time university students from around the world the opportunity to attend and contribute to one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of computing and HCI. The deadline for applications receipt is 15 January 2018. For more information, please visit http://2018.hci.international/student-volunteers

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HCII 2018: Keynote Speech by Mary Czerwinski

Mary Czerwinski, Principal Researcher and Research Manager at the Visualization and Interaction (VIBE) Research Group, Microsoft Research, USA, will give the Keynote Speech during the Opening Plenary Session on Tuesday, 17 July 2018, 18:00 hrs.

The title of her speech is "Technology in Support of Healthy Habits"

Abstract: For several years now, many of us doing research into designing technology for health and wellbeing have leveraged mobile, ambient and wearable devices in order to provide feedback and insight into users' mental and physical states. We have designed our technology, in partnership with caregivers and clinicians, in order to complement and extend clinical care so that it reaches those that really need it. It seems like a good time to stand back and reflect on what has actually worked in terms of motivating our users to make healthier lifestyle decisions, which in turn steer them towards long-term behavioral change, if needed. Specific to our research domain, emotion sensing has become ubiquitous in the physiological sensing and affective computing communities. While we leverage these methods in our research, we have found that the truly difficult problem is "what you do about it" once you have identified a user's emotional state. This keynote will describe various lessons learned from several efforts in this space, as well as traps to avoid, if you want to design engaging and life-changing interventions to help users cope positively with stress, depression, diet, exercise, sleep, and productivity.

Please check the Conference website: http://2018.hci.international/keynote-speech

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HCII2018: Mentoring Sessions for PhD students – NEW!

James Lewis and Gavriel Salvendy have cordially accepted the conference invitation to hold mentoring sessions for PhD students, each with two important topics.

The Mentoring Session of James Lewis will be offered on Wednesday 18 July 2018, from 10:30am to 12:30pm and will be addressing the topics of HCI career trends - past, present and future (in Part #1), and Transition from a PhD student to an industry professional (in Part #2). Dr James Lewis < https://www.jimlewisux.com/ > is IBM Master Inventor with 91 patents issued to date by the US Patent Office.

The Mentoring Session of Gavriel Salvendy will be offered on Wednesday 18 July 2018, from 4pm to 6pm and will be addressing the topics of Development of a PhD Thesis and its dissemination (in Part #1), and Transition from a PhD student to Faculty (in Part #2). Professor Gavriel Salvendy < http://www.iems.ucf.edu/salvendy/ > has been Major Professor to 67 PhD students.

For more information, please visit: http://2018.hci.international/mentoring-sessions

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HCII2018: Student Design Competition – NEW!

Students (undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral) are invited to submit, through the Conference Management System (CMS), an up to 5-minute video clip in MP4 format that presents their design idea, including statements and elaboration of the objective, method, innovation and outcome.

All video clip submissions accepted for the Student Design Competition will be presented during the conference. Three awards will be presented. Each awardee will receive a plaque and a certificate. The GOLD student design awardee will also receive the prize of $1000 USD, the SILVER $500 USD and the BRONZE $250 USD. The awards will be conferred during the opening plenary session of the conference.

Students participating in the Student Design Competition may also consider submitting their work to the conference, either as a paper or as a poster (but not both). The conference registration policy limiting the number of individual submissions does not apply for the participation in the Student Design Competition.

A distinguished seven-member international committee comprising Aaron Marcus (Aaron Marcus and Associates, USA) as co-chair, Patrick Rau (Tsinghua University, P.R. China) as co-chair, Wentao Wang (Baidu, Inc., P.R. China), Masaaki Kurosu (The Open University of Japan), Dylan Schmorrow (SoarTech, USA), Don Harris (Coventry University, United Kingdom) and Panayiotis Zaphiris (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus) will be the jury for this Student Design Competition.

The deadline for submissions to the Student Design Competition is the 15th of January 2018. Announcement of the results of the competition will be made on the 1st of March 2018. Further information is available through the conference website: http://2018.hci.international/student-design-competition

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HCII2018: Demonstrations – NEW!

Demonstrations are a new, alternative form of presenting ideas and results to the international audience of the HCII conference, and they are governed by the same conference registration policy applicable for the submissions of papers and posters. Demonstrations will take place in the Exhibition area, will be configured to facilitate free and continuous access by the conference participants and will be bound by the rules of conduct applicable to Exhibitors. For more information, please visit: http://2018.hci.international/demonstrations

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HCII 2018: Exhibition

You are invited to exhibit at the HCI International 2018 exhibition. The HCI International Conference is an ideal opportunity to exhibit your products and services to an international audience of about 2000 researchers, academics, professionals and users in the field of HCI. Detailed information is available at: http://2018.hci.international/exhibition

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HCII 2018: Sponsorship

Sponsorship in the context of HCI International 2018 is the ideal opportunity to expose your organization to an international audience of over 2000 researchers, professionals and users in the field of HCI. Sponsorship is not limited to financial support, and thus can also take the form of material and service provision. If you are interested in contributing to this international event as a sponsor or simply wish to receive more information contact: administration@hcii2018.org

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Recent News and Articles

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Upcoming Conferences and Events

HFES 2017 International Annual Meeting
October 9-13 | JW Marriott | Austin, Texas

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About HCI International NEWS

The HCI International NEWS is a newsletter that contains information about the HCI International Conference, book reviews, news from the field of HCI, as well as links to interesting articles and conferences. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to make a contribution, please contact the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem. The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.

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How to Contribute

We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send to us interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your contribution to the Editor, Dr.Abbas Moallem.

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Previous Issues

All previous issues of HCI International NEWS are available online.

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Last revision date: October 24, 2024
URL: http://2017.hci.international
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