HCI International 2017
Vancouver, Canada, 9 - 14 July 2017
Vancouver Convention Centre
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T21: Designing User Interfaces and Interactive Solutions for Wearable Technologies

Tuesday, 11 July 2017, 13:30 – 17:30

Vivian Genaro Motti (short bio)
George Mason University, United States


The participants will gain knowledge about wearable computers and how to design their interfaces and interactive solutions. The examples presented and discussed in the tutorial will illustrate a variety of interaction modalities (graphic, tactile, auditory), multiple form factors (wrist-worn and head-mounted devices), diverse contexts of use and application domains.

Content and Benefits:

This tutorial covers basic concepts about wearable computing, focusing on human factors and user experience. The tutorial is structured in three phases. First, we will provide basic definitions, fundamental concepts and a set of examples of wearable technologies, illustrating different form factors (such as: wrist-worn wearables, head-mounted displays and smart garments) and application domains (including: healthcare, education and user interaction). Then, we will explore how to design multimodal user interfaces and interactive solutions for diverse wearables. The examples of designs presented will cover multiple modalities for input entry and output responses and multiple form factors as well. References from scientific literature and commercial examples will be combined for illustrative purposes. In the tutorial, we will emphasize the different contexts of use in which the wearable interaction takes place, discussing how different contextual factors impact the user experience with wearable computers. We will also provide a theoretical foundation about the design process, including existing frameworks and models that support the development life cycle of interactive applications for wearable devices. Finally, we will show several examples of existing applications, and critically analyze the interactive solutions they provided to discuss key benefits and drawbacks. A set of quality factors will be employed for evaluating the solutions presented, enabling the participants to assess different design aspects across devices. The tutorial includes interactive activities and collaborative discussions to enable the participants to better understand and apply in practice the theoretical concepts presented.

Target Audience:

Designers, developers and researchers interested in: wearable technologies, wearable interaction, IoT (Internet of Things), design of multimodal interfaces. No pre-requisites are required to follow the tutorial, and participants from diverse backgrounds and levels of experience are welcome to attend it.

Bio Sketch of Presenter:

Vivian Genaro Motti is an Assistant Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the Department of Information Sciences and Technology at George Mason University where she leads the Human-Centric Design Lab. Her research focuses on Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, and Wearable Health. Before joining GMU, Dr. Motti was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and a Research Assistant Professor in the Human Centered Computing division in the School of Computing at Clemson University. For the NSF-funded Amulet project, Dr. Motti is investigating human factors, usability and privacy of wearable devices for healthcare.


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